VOC/BTEX Eliminator

- Custom design ability.
- 316 stainless steel construction with high temperature coating.
- Failsafe Control Ignitor System.
- Process gas capacities up to 1 MMBTU
- Minimal investment costs paired with decreased operating costs.
- Approx. 98% destruction efficiency through operating temperature and residence time capability.
- Combustion occurs within and eliminates a visible flame.
- Proper and industry compliant method to dispose of steady state gas, batch processes, and emergency vent scenarios.
- Upgradeable burner management system.
- Process specific engineering design basis.
- Customizable upon request.
StillPure Product Line
- Flare
- Thermal Oxidizer
- Carbon Adsorption
- Educator
The StillPure G-20 Series Overview

StillPure G-20 Series:
The G-20 is a single fan, forced draft condenser that uses a pneumatic pump and level control. It is an all-electric fan and coil unit only.Model G-20: How It Works:
The StillPure Model G-20 is an airflow condensing unit designed for the recovery of condensable volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from vapors emitted from a glycol reboiler still column during normal operation. The standard unit is self-contained and sits on a 42”x42” with a standard height of 10’. For some applications, a custom skid and frame can be provided to alter both the footprint and the height. As the vapor cools in the coil, it is condensed into component liquids. These liquids drain into a collection pot. A level control senses liquid accumulation and sequences a pneumatic or electric pump for liquid removal. A blow case can be utilized on some units. A slight glass is also provided to track fluid expulsion. Vapor leaving the reboiler still column is piped to the StillPure finned tube cooling coil. As the vapor passes through the coil heat it is dissipated by airflow over the inner surface. A laterally mounted thermostat controlled fan and motor provides the airflow. Each coil, fan, and motor is independently sized to the operating parameters outlined by the user. To increase and decrease the capacity of the StillPure Model G-20, it requires the re-sizing of one or more of these components. In some applications, Off Gas (non-condensable VOCs) can be piped to a flare, to a direct fired unit for combustion (using a special gas/air mixer) or to a low-pressure vapor recovery unit (VRU) to achieve 100 percent recovery. The StillPure Model G-20 is designed to remove 99 percent or more of the condensable VOCs on an annualized basis.Model G-20: Capacity:
The G-20 line offers a number of possible units based on capacity. The Armstrong fan and motor units can be sized for applications ranging from 10 MMcsf/day dehydration systems to 100 MMscf/day dehydration systems. GLY-TECH will determine the maximum vapor load to be condensed and offer the client an engineered solution to their still column vapor recovery needs.Advantages:
- Thermostat control guarantees consistent condenser performance.
- Off gas can be combusted in the fire tube or by a flare.
- Condensed hydrocarbon liquids can be collected and sold.
- Collection pot comes in code and non-code model.
- It possesses a small footprint.
The StillPure G-30 Series Overview

The StillPure Model G-30-PH:
The StillPure Model G-30-PH is a vertical air flow condensing unit designed for the recovery of condensable volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from vapors emitted from a glycol reboiler still column during normal operation. The G-30 is a dual fan, vertical forced draft condenser. The standard unit is self-contained and sits on a 12”x48” footprint with an overall height of 4’11’. For some applications, a custom skid and frame can be provided to alter both the footprint and the height. The Armstrong fan and motor units can be sized for applications ranging from 100MMscf/day dehydration systems to 500 MMscf/day dehydration systems. Even larger capacities can be handled with custom designs. GLY-TECH will determine the maximum vapor load to be condensed and offer the client an engineered solution to their still column vapor recovery needs.
GLY-TECH is a leading provider of dehydration services, including engineering design and field services, technical support for troubleshooting, system cleanings, filter separator cleaning, and start-up and commissioning.
GLY-TECH is also a leading provider of specialty chemicals for the inhibiting of glycol, controlling foaming issues, and the control of asphaltenes in glycol. We also provide material sales, replacement filter elements, and water vapor tubes.
GLY-TECH provides safe and thorough high velocity flushing and chemical cleaning services for the commissioning and maintenance of critical systems as well as tank and vessel cleanings and vacuum truck services.
Model Varieties
G-10 Series
G-10-A Ambient Temperature Unit:
This is a vertical finned pipe cooler complete with blowcase for the collection and evacuation of condensed liquids. It requires no electric utilities, however, it does require compressed air or gas at a service pressure of 100psi to operate a pneumatic blowcase.
G-30 Series
G-30-P Pneumatic/Electric Fan Cooled Unit:
This is a twin fan force draft unit that requires 240V/480V electrical utility. Each fan is independently thermostatically controlled. It requires compressed air or gas at a service pressure of 100psi to operate pneumatic controls and pump.
G-30-PH Pneumatic/Electric Fan Cooled Unit:
This is a twin fan thermostatically controlled forced draft unit that requires 240V/480V electrical utility. It also requires compressed air or gas at a service pressure of 100psi to operate pneumatic controls and pump. Unlike the standard unit, this has the condenser mounted horizontally with vertical airflow for a lower profile.
G-30-E Standard Electric Fan Cooled Unit
This is a twin fan thermostatically controlled force draft fan unit that requires 240V/480V electrical utility. The controls and pump are electric.
G-30-EH Horizontal Electric Fan Cooled Unit
This is a twin fan thermostatically controlled force draft unit that requires 240V/480V electrical utility. The controls and pump are electric. Unlike the standard unit, this has the condenser mounted horizontally with vertical airflow for a low profile.
G-30-F Twin Fan Condensing Unit:
This is a unit only and does not contain a collection pot. It requires 240V or 480V electrical utility.
G-20 Series
G-20-P Standard Pneumatic/Electric Fan Cooled Unit:
This is a single thermostatically controlled force draft fan unit that requires 240V or 480V electric utility. It also needs compressed air or gas at a service of 100psi to operate pneumatic controls and the pump.
G-20-E Standard Electric Fan Cooled Unit:
This is a single thermostatically controlled force draft fan unit that requires 240V or 480V electric utility. The controls and pump are electric.
G-20-F Fan Condensing Unit:
This is a unit only and does not contain a collection pot. It requires 240V or 480V electrical utility.
G-40 Series
G-40-C Mechanical Refrigeration Unit:
Complete with code constructed and stamped blowcase for liquid evacuation into low-pressure separation at pressures of up to 150psig. Thermostatically controlled vapor temperatures down to 60 degrees Fahrenheit.